In the summer of 2020, I took an introduction to GIS course that utilizes R studio to map data. Below are the links to my projects performing various GIS and data analysis functions.
- Learned how to open a user site on Github.
- Built a site to display my work.
- Personalized with my information and practiced attaching URLs and images.
- Loaded in raw data to filter, manipulate, and analyze.
- Cross-referenced and joined different data frames to gather necessary data.
- Presented relevant data in tables and figures.
- Created sf objects of the United States from R packages and CSV files.
- Calculated distances of US cities from US’s national border, states borders, Mexican border, and Canadian border.
- Utilized ggplot tool to plot the findings.
- Mapped the surface of Contiguous United States with original counties boundaries, square grid, hexagonal grid, voronoi tessellation, and triangulated tessellation.
- Created functions and point-in-polygon functions to process the data more efficiently.
- Analyzed the purposes of dams across CONUS with data from the National Dam Inventory.
- Identified the area of interest by filtering data, generating buffer zone, and bounding the area.
- Acquired data and images from online database.
- Manipulated and analyzed landsat imagery and created threshold indexes.
- Used k-means clustering algorithm to group raster cells with similar spectral properties.
- Loaded in boundary data, elevation data, and buildings and river-network data to analyze flood risk.
- Created hillshade raster and “Height Above Nearest Drainage” (HAND) raster for terrain analysis.
- Used the loaded data to analyze the impact of 2017 flood to the surrrounding area.